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Duncan Cumming

The pioneers of CRM

About Duncan

Duncan has more than 30 years experience in training and development.

CAA-approved Crew Resource Management

He delivers CAA-approved Crew Resource Management and Instructor Training programmes and has worked with companies such as Emirates, KLM, Royal Brunei, SAS and CHC .


He promotes the services of Interaction Trainers and is responsible for the marketing and delivery of Leadership and Management training programmes approved by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). Clients have included Natural England, The Learning and Skills Council, DWP, Midland Regional Growers and others in the food and drink sector, agriculture and horticulture.

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

On commissioning from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Adam saw extensive operational service in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone and latterly the Middle East.